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Some Basic Facts About Auto Detailing Or How To Make Your Car Look Fantastic

Some Basic Facts About Auto Detailing Or How To Make Your Car Look Fantastic

Do you like your car? How often do you wash it or let it stay dusty and dirty? Do you want to use it for a long period of time or are you planning to get rid of it extremely soon? By the way, today we have a promo action "20 PERCENT OFF ON SWISSVAX CAR DETAILING", if you want your car to be polished, so you have a great opportunity! Our vehicles may be compared with our shoes in some way. Like our boots, we use automobiles daily and nightly. However, if we want to preserve or give our cars a nice look, a regular care should be taken. Auto detailing isn’t a new fashion trend. Overall, it’s a set of things that must be done to help your car look perfect. So let us see what the word-combination ‘auto detailing’ means and what things must or mustn’t be done while taking care of our vehicles.

Why Does Your Car Look Old?

When you drive your car, the vehicle always gets into extremely unfavorable conditions. A bad atmosphere of overpopulated cities, acid rains and road stones always cause certain damages to its carcass. All in all, the body of each automobile has loads of junctures, overlaps and air gaps, where moisture and dirt like to ‘live’. Your car may get old very soon if it
    • Experiences high tension and vibrations,
    • Features constructions with hidden cavities;
    • Has some extra decorations (the places where the décor elements contact with the metal may become trace elements);
    • Was made of a low-quality steel;
    • Drives in the places where the air is filled with combustion products and sulfur dioxide.

What is Auto Detailing?

The word combination ‘auto detailing’ is often associated with thorough cleaning, restoration and finishing a vehicle, both inside and outside. If you want to perform an exterior detailing, you should restore or exceed the original condition of the car’s finish, tires, wheels and windows. The interior detailing usually implies a deep cabin’s cleaning. You may vacuum, steam clean or use foam and liquid chemicals to remove spots on the upholstery. Sometimes it’s also necessary to polish certain nonporous surfaces.

Some Auto Detailing Tips

  • Exterior detailing often starts with the right car washing. If you want to preserve the car’s original paint with a glossy finish, you should choose the right tools for cleaning your vehicle. Take time to choose an appropriate car brush and shampoo. Never wipe the car with the dry dust, because it may contain dust particles and tiny stones, that are able to scratch the car surface.
  • Before starting to wash your automobile, pour a warm or flowing water over it to soften the dust. Mix the car shampoo with the water and rub up the car’s carcass. Use a special brush or sponge to do it. Finally, take a hose and wash your car again. It’s extremely important to wipe the body of the car afterwards because the water may leave spots.
  • If your car was dirty for a long time, wash it with a flowing water under a high pressure. The windows may be cleaned either by water or a special wiper.
  • The shiny surface of your car will be preserved, if you take time to wax and polish it in time. For instance, you may use a great variety of products designed by SwissVax Company.
  • The most popular car waxes are usually produced in bottles with a spray. It’s very easy to sprinkle such wax over your car’s body. Just spray it and remove the liquid remnants in 15-30 minutes. However, this type of wax often disappears after the second washing or in a month.
  • If you want to polish a car with a wax that remains on the car’s surface a little bit longer, choose a hot wax. This polishing agent needs a certain heating before starting to use it and congeals in 3 minutes. After that it’s necessary to pour a cool water over the car and wipe the remnants with the help of a wet rag.
  • It’s often better to polish your car with this type of wax while cleaning your car at a carwash, because they often a special equipment to heat the wax to the required temperature.
  • The car owners who possess white vehicles should choose a solid wax. It’s often produced in the form of a special paste and should be delivered with the help of a special polishing machine with a soft disc.
  • Once you have decided to polish your white car, take time to wash and wipe it. You should do all the procedures in a clean placement in order to prevent the dust particles to come into the wax. The white car polishing should be done at least once a year.
  • There is also a separate group of synthetic polishes which imitate the properties of the car waxes. They may be used once in 6 months. Nevertheless, these polishes are more expensive than ordinary waxes and are extremely poisonous. Most of them were designed for carwashes and should be put on the car surface only with the help of a special equipment.
Today we have given you some essential tips how take care of your vehicle. Just do several simple actions and make your car look ‘beautiful’ and ‘young’ for a long period of time!
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